Monday, February 05, 2007

It's so cold the penguins need a jacket!!!

Okay...I have had the opportunity to experience cold outside, but yesterday and today…oh my! It is so cold outside I think the snowmen need a jacket! Okay, bad jokes aside, it is cold! I took my kids to Wal-mart with me this weekend to pick up some paint for our kitchen makeover project, and Jacob go so cold he started crying. It is cold. We went to Lowes next and I dropped them off at the door so they wouldn’t freeze which turned out to be great since there is a heater right by the entryway. Dylan asked if we could stay there and warm up before we went inside. It is cold. As I sit here and type this in my warm office, I realize there are men and women working out there in the elements and my heart goes out to them. But then a thought comes across my mind…

I stopped to think of the cold and the pains that come with the exposure to it and think am I unique in this experience. Well of course not, but think this through with me. It is not unique to you or me, but it is not unique to Jesus Christ either. We think so often of the wonderful miracles of Christ, the great speaking of Christ, the hunger, the agony on the Cross of Calvary, but do you ever stop to think about the day-to-day experiences my Lord faced as well? God loved you and me so much to face the list above, even more, but think for a minute about the cold. Ever stop to think of Jesus Christ got cold?

One of the greatest things about our Saviour is the fact that he came from perfection, Heaven, and faced the imperfections of this world so that we might be free from our Sin. He knew the hungers he would face, he knew the pains he would experience, he knew there would be days where he was going to be cold. You ever go to sleep when it is cold only to sleep miserable and wake up the next day feeling miserable and then not really wanting to “act” or maybe “live” like a Christian? Ever think God did? He faced the same cold pains we faced and still woke up in the morning and continued to be what he was…not only the Christ, but the example for our lives. What a great thing to think, my God loved us so much to face all these things so I can live with him in that perfect place when he calls me home. Praise the Lord!

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