Friday, October 20, 2006

But I like the Cookie

So often in life, we find things that remind us of people. When I see a heart or flowers, it reminds me of my wife. When I see Troy Aikman, it reminds me of my nephew who looked like him as a baby. When I see different things it reminds me of different people, but let me introduce you to someone who reminds me of my youngest son Jacob…His Name is Hammy and yes, he is a squirrel.

You may ask why he reminds me of my youngest son. Well I can’t tell you all the reasons, but if you have not seen Over the Hedge (SEE IT!!!) then you would not understand, but I highly recommend this movie not only to find out how Hammy portrays aspects of my son, but also it is just very funny. My son has what we like to call…Hyperactivity. Meaning that he can normally go and go and go and go and go and go…until he finally passes out or is told to pass out. This character is not only funny with his humor, but also because he is so hyper.

As my wife and I watched this movie with our two boys I found myself thinking, the Lord puts things in life to remind us of people. I look at the picture of Hammy this morning and start to reminisce about all the wonderful things my son does. Yes he is hyper, yes he bounces off walls (that isn’t a figure of speech…he really does), but he is a wonderful Child and I couldn’t ask for more. I love my boys, they are great and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. It doesn’t take much for me to think about my family, but every once in a while a hyperactive squirrel can help.

I leave you with this funny dialogue from “Over the Hedge”

RJ: Ok, what we're goin' for is a vicious, man-eating, rabid squirrel. Can you handle that?
Hammy the Squirrel: Umm, excuse me!
[Raises hand]
RJ: Yes, Hammy?
Hammy the Squirrel: Rabbits aren't vicious. They're all cute and cuddly, so...
RJ: *Rabid*, not rabbit.
Hammy the Squirrel: Oh! Huh?
Hammy the Squirrel: I am a crazy, rabid squirrel! I want my cookies!

Friday, October 13, 2006

How Soon I forget...

I just received an Email from somebody in my office today and it was wishing everybody a Happy Friday the 13th. This day has as long as I have been alive, viewed as a day of bad happenings or bad things. Now as a believer in Christ, I do not believe in Bad Luck, or Ghosts, but this day has a very sad meaning to me.

Twelve years ago on Friday May 13th 1994, my father had a diabetic attack, which caused him to have a heart attack, and he passed away. As a believer in Christ I know the scripture says “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116:15) but my father was not a believer.

So the question may be asked, why post this? Well today, as I got the Email I realized that it has been a long time since I had even thought about my Dad. I looked at the only picture I have of him and started to realize that I forget more about him everyday. I started to realize that I do not remember the sound of his voice. If I were to hear it, I would not recognize it. I started to realize that I do not remember what it was like to give him a hug.

My Dad and I enjoyed a great relationship. We had fun together, we laughed together, and anybody that knows me would know him because our humor and the way we make wise cracks are the same. But today I look back and realize that 12 years ago, I lost him and that I will never get him back and that the only time I have to look forward to seeing him is when I have to look at him get cast into the lake of fire for never trusting in Christ as his Saviour.

The only thing that helps me through days like this is the knowledge that I have another Father. A heavenly one that one day I will get to see. I know that he is here with me and has promised that He would always be there for me. I miss my Dad, but praise God I have Him who I will never have to miss. I am so happy to be a born again Christian; because I know that, I will be with my Father forever. Even though others often view this day, even me sometimes, as a day of evil, fear, or even gloom. I rejoice in knowing that I will not forget my Heavenly Father.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Seriously...Can there be any more hills and turns in Virginia???

So tonight we are here in Lynchburg, VA. We have been sent here by the place that I work so that we can exhibit at this year’s Superconference being held at Thomas Road Baptist Church. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for conferences, but this one has already began to take its toll and it is only day two. Let me recap…and in this case recap is a fancy word I will use for complain.

We start off our day Saturday at about 6:00. For some reason happy happy joy joy feelings are not the first thing on our minds. More to the effect of, why are we doing this again? Actually it was more like, how can I make this caffeine in my coffee go straight into my blood so it can get to my brain quicker. We travel down the road for a few hours and now find ourselves in a light rain. I love to travel in the rain, but this wasn’t just a nice little rain shower, for some reason the rain decided to stay with us for the next 10 hours. You know those cartoons where there is a cloud over somebody’s head and it follows them, well picture that and it is over our car.

Now this isn’t so bad at first, but then it starts to get dark…really dark. We begin to take some pretty curvy roads and notice something—the lines in the road are now not able to be seen. What has happened is that the road is so wet and the lights from the cars is making the lines in the road unable to be seen. I find myself at one point straddling the lines of the road. Then begins the fog. Not like a light fog, but like the stuff you see in scary movies. My wife and I begin to realize that driving in this may not be the brightest idea. I started thinking…well I can’t see the lines, I can’t see the road because of the fog, and oh yes it is starting to rain even harder. So we pull over and get a hotel in South Charleston VA.

We wake up and hit the road early the next day, and praise God it isn’t raining and it is sunny outside. But now begins the windy roads of Virginia. I have heard of the hills of Virginia, but I am seriously beginning to get carsick. Now we have a car full of people all saying…please no more turns. My wife said, “I feel like I am on a roller coaster I can’t get off of.” Wow!

Well I finally get us to the hotel we are staying at and then go to set up at the Church for tonight’s conference. Here is even more joy (insert sarcastic voice.) This place is very big and of course I get very lost. Then on the way back to hotel I find out that there isn’t a direct road back…there is a direct road to the Church, but not a direct road to get back home. Seriously!

I do find some joy in knowing that I will get to hear some good preaching over the next couple of days and I will surrender myself to learning something for the Lord. But, tonight, I am going to bed, I am allowing my equilibrium to fix itself, and figure out what classes to take tomorrow.