Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What does Christ mean to you?

This week I preached a message on Sunday morning out of Matthew 16: 13-19 asking the question who do you say that Christ is? And today this thought is burning on my heart. As I look at the lives that we lead the question continues in my mind as to how we answer the question, who is Jesus Christ to Me. I know for the two of you that read this (Hi my Wife, Hey Mike) it is like preaching to the choir, but the thought bears typing.

In the scripture I mentioned above the disciples are asked who do men say that Jesus is, then it becomes personal as to who do they say that Jesus Christ is. This is where I wonder what people would answer? Most would say that “right” words, but to be quite honest it would not be the “Honest” words. The more I grow for the Lord the more I realize that Jesus Christ becomes more of a moment in time instead of a shepherd of our lives. Jesus becomes more of our God in time of need, instead of our God every moment of my life. What would you answer if Jesus looked at you and asked who do you “Really” say that I am?

We should want him to be every moment, every minute, and every day of our lives. We should want to really know Him. But then I realize that so many have made Him an appointment, not an everyday God. How many have said to Jesus that I want you, but not that much. How many have said I want to worship you, but only Sundays, maybe a Wednesday, but other than that leave me be because I have stuff I have to do. How many receive the blessings of God and never acknowledge the one who gave them. Oh who do we really say that Jesus Christ is?

I know we have busy lives, but I remember this statement I heard years ago, because it touched my heart then and still does now. “A Man too busy to pray is a man to busy for God.” We have so many things going on, Family, Friends, Relaxation, Graduation, Family Trips, etc. Which none of these things are bad things, not at all, but when they take precedence over Jesus what are we telling Him who we call our Saviour? Who do we really say that Jesus Christ is?

I know this is not my normal humorous satirical kind of blog, but my heart hurts because I know that there is a God, who is my Saviour, and He is so forgotten. Not by the lost world, but by those that claim him as their Saviour. Oh that we would not just “say” He is my Saviour, but “Live” like He is our Saviour. Who do you say that Jesus Christ is?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie Review: Spiderman 3

Yesterday we were sitting around and wondering what we wanted to do. In the metropolis of Galesburg IL [major sarcasm added] there are the movies, Wal-mart, or watch the grass grow. Since we needed to cut the grass this week anyway, and we didn’t need anything from Wal-mart, we decided on the movies. We decided to go see Spiderman 3.

I had read the review provided by the Christian Spotlight and figured it might be okay, however I was a little leery of the venom character. Not because of the part he would play, but because it did look a little evil and I didn’t want my boys to wake up in the middle of the night screaming that Venom is coming to get them. On to the review!

In the world of movie sequels it is normally a curse to do another movie after you have a successful first. Outside of Star Wars, which was really one movie over several versions, and

maybe the Godfather trilogy, there is not one I can think of that was just a smashing success. But could the Spiderman people do it? Yes they can.

The introduction of Sandman, Venom, and the new Goblin where wonderfully done. The relationship between Peter and Harry takes a twist that I was not expecting. The depth of the evil that undertakes Peter Parker is something that was also unexpected. All in all I would give this one four out of five stars. There are some predictable parts, however the CGI and the plot is handled well enough to make these predictable moments small speed bumps.

I really like the end of the movie when Peter forgives the Sandman for his role in his Uncles death, but the death of Harry was sad and unwanted. Not that it wasn’t well done in the movie; I just didn’t want him to die right after he resolves his friendship with his “Best Friend”, as Peter states it. The only downside that I can state has nothing to do with the movie it is all to do with the previews. You never know what the previews will hold, and these really stunk.

They showed the preview to the new Fantastic Four movie, which was great, the preview to the new Harry Potter, which looks as evil and satanic as ever, and then something that looked almost like borderline soft core porn. Most of my preview time was spent covering up my kids eyes. I wish that they would put better previews with the movie…oh yeah movie review. Sorry.

Spiderman 3 had good action, good CGI, good plot, and all together just a good movie. I was so pleased it left me wanting to see another one, but I know they may not make anymore. But for know our Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman is still here.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Play-Doh Did It!

So last night we had teen group and I was preaching out of Ephesians chapter 2, specifically verses 8-10. Most Christians are familiar with verses 8-9 for it speaks of the saving Grace that we have done nothing to earn nor anything to keep. Thank God for his Grace! But the next verse caught my attention and that was the focus of our teen group last night. Verse 10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” When I thought about this I started to answer one of the age old questions, what are we here for? For the Christian we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto GOOD WORKS. So we spent some time there. Where does the play-doh come in? Well let me explain my brilliant, yet failed and I will never do it again, idea.

I thought of using play-doh as a way for the kids to “Create” something using their imaginations. Whatever it was, however good or bad, it would be their creation but whatever it was it would be nothing more than play-doh and would not do anything. I wanted to demonstrate our creativeness, but the idea that God’s surpasses ours and the fact that his creation is for a purpose. At this point it sounds like a really good idea, or at least it did to me. It sounded even better when I thought how well it would work for the kids to express their creativity. Well that is where it stopped.

So I passed out the play-doh, gave them about five minutes to sculpt something, which went really well, but that is where it stopped. I could not get most of their attentions back when I tried to regroup and teach the lesson application. Stupid Play-doh! The message fell to the intoxicating smell of gooey play-doh. The sounds of my voice were overshadowed by the pliability of the dough in their hands…Stupid Play-doh. In all honesty I can say that our teen group is a great group and listens so well to the messages given, but we found our kryptonite, Play-doh is its name! Oh sure, somebody could say that I was a flop and didn’t present the message well or that our kids attentions were on other things, but that somebody is probably drunk on play-doh!

Does this have a point? Um…no except I realize that sometimes something as simple as play-doh can distract us from the Lord and his message. We are created by God to do his works, but sometimes play-doh gets in the way. I guess we just need to move on, send an email saying boycott buying play-doh on Tuesday to stick it to the manufacturers, and just say “Stupid Play-doh!”