Monday, July 24, 2006

I have found a good thing….

This morning I am sitting at my desk and was reflecting over the past few days. Let me try to paint a picture for you of my life over the past few days. I underwent gallbladder removal surgery on Tuesday and found myself unable to do much. I had to learn to slow down and do less, which is normally a hard thing for me to do. I had to allow help in things that I normally had no problem doing for myself. I had to learn how to sleep again. Through all of this I found out that I not only have a good thing I have a great thing. What is it???


The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” How true this is in my life. I found myself over the past few days just realizing how truly blessed and favored I am over the wonderful wife my Lord has given me. I know it may seem like small stuff to others but there were times I was moved to tears over her sacrifices this past week. Then I realized all of the wonderful things she does for me everyday. I want to say how wonderfully blessed I am to have such a wonderful wife that will not only take care of me when I am sick, but that will also look for ways to care for me when I am well. I am so blessed today.

Has it always been this way? No, but back on the first day in 2000 I made a conscience choice that I would build my marriage around our wonderful God and ever since then God has blessed us in ways I can’t imagine. We realized that year that in order for us to be happy it would take Me, Her, and our God. Everything is not always perfect, but I will say that as the scripture says…I have surely found favour from the Lord.

I Love You Honey…

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