Friday, December 01, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen.......It's a Snow Day!

So for those of you who have watched the news over the past 24 hours, you may have notice that there was a little snowstorm that came through the Midwest. It was an interesting night for the McCoy family. My wife and I went to bed about 1:00am because I wanted to see how much snow would fall and see if my company might call a snow day. This began my adventures. First we went into our boy’s room and found it was a little chilly in there. Well that tends to happen when there is a big sweater covering up the heater vent. Then we go into our room, which one wall faces the north, and discover that the wind coming from the north was blowing through one of the electrical sockets. Man it was cold in there. I was really glad to find out that the leak was coming from that socket in the wall. Glad? Well yes, because it was either a leak from the socket or I was going to start seeing dead people.
So to the topic at hand, the snow. I love the snow. Since I am from El Paso, Texas we did not get a lot of snow. Actually only once in my life do I remember a heavy snowfall.

But today was a good snow day. We got about eight to ten inches over the area, but figuring in the snow drifts we had around the house we had one area that was almost three feet tall.

I love to play in the snow, and see what fun we can have. It was so fun to see the boys playing and just having a good ole time. The snowdrift that was almost three feet high and we had a mini hill to sled down. I shall call it…Mini Hill. We spent about three hours outside playing and cleaning up the driveway and sidewalk areas. But sometimes in these great times, God just has a little conversation with you.

Before I got really into the work I stopped and just started staring at the snow and that famous scripture came to my mind. (Isaiah 1:18) Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. I sat and just stared at the whiteness of the snow. It is so beautiful when it is untainted. No dirt, no sludge, no road traffic stuff on it, it is just pure. It made me so happy to know that when my God looks at me know that he doesn’t see that dirty sin anymore, but that he sees the white snow. Clean and pure.

Man I am so glad for those times that the Lord just says, hey before you shovel that snow and go play in it, remember I love you, I will always love you and now that you are saved and one of my children, I will never see that dirty sin filled snow anymore. Man with that in mind it makes me want to say…Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Friday, October 20, 2006

But I like the Cookie

So often in life, we find things that remind us of people. When I see a heart or flowers, it reminds me of my wife. When I see Troy Aikman, it reminds me of my nephew who looked like him as a baby. When I see different things it reminds me of different people, but let me introduce you to someone who reminds me of my youngest son Jacob…His Name is Hammy and yes, he is a squirrel.

You may ask why he reminds me of my youngest son. Well I can’t tell you all the reasons, but if you have not seen Over the Hedge (SEE IT!!!) then you would not understand, but I highly recommend this movie not only to find out how Hammy portrays aspects of my son, but also it is just very funny. My son has what we like to call…Hyperactivity. Meaning that he can normally go and go and go and go and go and go…until he finally passes out or is told to pass out. This character is not only funny with his humor, but also because he is so hyper.

As my wife and I watched this movie with our two boys I found myself thinking, the Lord puts things in life to remind us of people. I look at the picture of Hammy this morning and start to reminisce about all the wonderful things my son does. Yes he is hyper, yes he bounces off walls (that isn’t a figure of speech…he really does), but he is a wonderful Child and I couldn’t ask for more. I love my boys, they are great and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. It doesn’t take much for me to think about my family, but every once in a while a hyperactive squirrel can help.

I leave you with this funny dialogue from “Over the Hedge”

RJ: Ok, what we're goin' for is a vicious, man-eating, rabid squirrel. Can you handle that?
Hammy the Squirrel: Umm, excuse me!
[Raises hand]
RJ: Yes, Hammy?
Hammy the Squirrel: Rabbits aren't vicious. They're all cute and cuddly, so...
RJ: *Rabid*, not rabbit.
Hammy the Squirrel: Oh! Huh?
Hammy the Squirrel: I am a crazy, rabid squirrel! I want my cookies!

Friday, October 13, 2006

How Soon I forget...

I just received an Email from somebody in my office today and it was wishing everybody a Happy Friday the 13th. This day has as long as I have been alive, viewed as a day of bad happenings or bad things. Now as a believer in Christ, I do not believe in Bad Luck, or Ghosts, but this day has a very sad meaning to me.

Twelve years ago on Friday May 13th 1994, my father had a diabetic attack, which caused him to have a heart attack, and he passed away. As a believer in Christ I know the scripture says “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116:15) but my father was not a believer.

So the question may be asked, why post this? Well today, as I got the Email I realized that it has been a long time since I had even thought about my Dad. I looked at the only picture I have of him and started to realize that I forget more about him everyday. I started to realize that I do not remember the sound of his voice. If I were to hear it, I would not recognize it. I started to realize that I do not remember what it was like to give him a hug.

My Dad and I enjoyed a great relationship. We had fun together, we laughed together, and anybody that knows me would know him because our humor and the way we make wise cracks are the same. But today I look back and realize that 12 years ago, I lost him and that I will never get him back and that the only time I have to look forward to seeing him is when I have to look at him get cast into the lake of fire for never trusting in Christ as his Saviour.

The only thing that helps me through days like this is the knowledge that I have another Father. A heavenly one that one day I will get to see. I know that he is here with me and has promised that He would always be there for me. I miss my Dad, but praise God I have Him who I will never have to miss. I am so happy to be a born again Christian; because I know that, I will be with my Father forever. Even though others often view this day, even me sometimes, as a day of evil, fear, or even gloom. I rejoice in knowing that I will not forget my Heavenly Father.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Seriously...Can there be any more hills and turns in Virginia???

So tonight we are here in Lynchburg, VA. We have been sent here by the place that I work so that we can exhibit at this year’s Superconference being held at Thomas Road Baptist Church. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for conferences, but this one has already began to take its toll and it is only day two. Let me recap…and in this case recap is a fancy word I will use for complain.

We start off our day Saturday at about 6:00. For some reason happy happy joy joy feelings are not the first thing on our minds. More to the effect of, why are we doing this again? Actually it was more like, how can I make this caffeine in my coffee go straight into my blood so it can get to my brain quicker. We travel down the road for a few hours and now find ourselves in a light rain. I love to travel in the rain, but this wasn’t just a nice little rain shower, for some reason the rain decided to stay with us for the next 10 hours. You know those cartoons where there is a cloud over somebody’s head and it follows them, well picture that and it is over our car.

Now this isn’t so bad at first, but then it starts to get dark…really dark. We begin to take some pretty curvy roads and notice something—the lines in the road are now not able to be seen. What has happened is that the road is so wet and the lights from the cars is making the lines in the road unable to be seen. I find myself at one point straddling the lines of the road. Then begins the fog. Not like a light fog, but like the stuff you see in scary movies. My wife and I begin to realize that driving in this may not be the brightest idea. I started thinking…well I can’t see the lines, I can’t see the road because of the fog, and oh yes it is starting to rain even harder. So we pull over and get a hotel in South Charleston VA.

We wake up and hit the road early the next day, and praise God it isn’t raining and it is sunny outside. But now begins the windy roads of Virginia. I have heard of the hills of Virginia, but I am seriously beginning to get carsick. Now we have a car full of people all saying…please no more turns. My wife said, “I feel like I am on a roller coaster I can’t get off of.” Wow!

Well I finally get us to the hotel we are staying at and then go to set up at the Church for tonight’s conference. Here is even more joy (insert sarcastic voice.) This place is very big and of course I get very lost. Then on the way back to hotel I find out that there isn’t a direct road back…there is a direct road to the Church, but not a direct road to get back home. Seriously!

I do find some joy in knowing that I will get to hear some good preaching over the next couple of days and I will surrender myself to learning something for the Lord. But, tonight, I am going to bed, I am allowing my equilibrium to fix itself, and figure out what classes to take tomorrow.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Trip to Burkburnett—1,600 miles—One Broken Down Car—Hours of Fun???—Finding out the Lord’s will—Priceless.

I write this blog this Monday morning with a bittersweet taste in my mouth. For you that know me this will be redundant, but I will say it anyway. We went to Burkburnett Texas to see if God would have us Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. This was a weekend of ups and downs because we had such a great time at Calvary, but at home, the Pastor of our Church began to slander our name from the Pulpit. We knew that we could no longer support him so we knew once we got home that we would have to walk away from the Church, which we did. Here began the agony of the next week. Now keep in mind, we are hoping and praying during this week that the Lord will allow us the opportunity to Pastor Calvary Baptist Church. This was a hope that kept us going during this time.

During this week, my name was dragged through the mud. I will not tell you all the things that have been said about me, but I know that I will not fight a Pastor over his choice of words. You know that old saying, “Sticks and stones make break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Well that is just stupid! I know as a man seeking to be in the ministry that I should probably feel tougher, but today I feel like Jell-O. During the past seven days I have been accused of many things, all untrue, I have been lied about several times, I have been blamed for things that I haven’t done, and then of course the name calling all by one man. I never knew that one man could cause so much hurt, but he has. Then I got the call yesterday.

I got the call from the pulpit committee chairman who said, “Brother, I have some bad news.” Instantly my heart sank, for I knew we were not voted in, but I did not know how bad this “Bad” news really was. He informed me that the committee called my former Pastor that we had to walk away from to get some more information about us and he slammed us to the floor. In this man’s words, he said that he slandered you in ways that I did not expect a “Pastor” to do. Now, I had prepared myself that if we did not get the opportunity to Pastor this Church it was the Lord’s will, but never in my wildest dreams would have figured it to happen in this way. I can tell you that read this (Hi all three of you) that I am broken, hurt, and shocked all at the same time.

With that all said, let me say this as well. I know that not all of this went as we had planned, but I know the God that I serve and praise be to him who allowed all of this to happen. To find the will of God in your life is one of the greatest feelings, even though right now it does not feel great. However, I know that God has something for us to do in the future. What it is…I don’t know. However, I wait to see what he wants us to do next. In the meantime, its time to not just put a band-aid on this wound. I think we may have to put some attention on this one.

Monday, September 11, 2006

So what has been going on?

Since the last time I have blogged a lot has been going on. Where to start, I guess at the beginning always does good. About three weeks ago I stepped out by faith and resigned my position as Assistant Pastor of PrairieLand Baptist Church. This was something I had to do, but was completely unsure about what the future holds. I know that God wants me to Pastor a Church, but then I did not know what was going to happen. Since then God has been showing his wonderful blessing

I have been asked to candidate at Calvary Baptist Church in Burkburnett TX. This came as a complete surprise to me, but of course not to the Lord. I was making lunch on Labor Day when my friend, Pastor Claud Slate, called and told me about a Church that was looking for a Pastor. Long story short, I hooked up with Bro. Gary (a man that talked to Bro. Slate and who is on the pulpit committee) and yesterday they asked me to come and candidate. I can’t tell you the emotions that I am feeling inside, but as some of you that read this may know it is exciting.

I am looking forward to what the Lord might have for us in the future. I don’t know how things are going to work at Calvary, but I know who does and whatever happens I will praise his name. Selfishly I hope it works out, but realistically I want his will more than anything else. Please pray for us as we step out by faith in this next chapter in our life.

Monday, July 24, 2006

I have found a good thing….

This morning I am sitting at my desk and was reflecting over the past few days. Let me try to paint a picture for you of my life over the past few days. I underwent gallbladder removal surgery on Tuesday and found myself unable to do much. I had to learn to slow down and do less, which is normally a hard thing for me to do. I had to allow help in things that I normally had no problem doing for myself. I had to learn how to sleep again. Through all of this I found out that I not only have a good thing I have a great thing. What is it???


The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” How true this is in my life. I found myself over the past few days just realizing how truly blessed and favored I am over the wonderful wife my Lord has given me. I know it may seem like small stuff to others but there were times I was moved to tears over her sacrifices this past week. Then I realized all of the wonderful things she does for me everyday. I want to say how wonderfully blessed I am to have such a wonderful wife that will not only take care of me when I am sick, but that will also look for ways to care for me when I am well. I am so blessed today.

Has it always been this way? No, but back on the first day in 2000 I made a conscience choice that I would build my marriage around our wonderful God and ever since then God has blessed us in ways I can’t imagine. We realized that year that in order for us to be happy it would take Me, Her, and our God. Everything is not always perfect, but I will say that as the scripture says…I have surely found favour from the Lord.

I Love You Honey…

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

God has ways to keep you humble.

Yesterday I underwent gallbladder surgery. In the word’s of Forest Gump “That’s all I have to say about that.” Actually I went into this surgery with a few apprehensions, but all of them were put to the wayside after I woke up this morning and felt the pain from the surgery. I really don’t know what I was thinking, but man it does hurt.

Well to the point of the topic…God can make sure you are kept humble. Now with this statement I am not making an assumption that I live pride fully, but I do realize how much I need help from others today. While I was in the hospital, one of the conditions for me to go home is that I had to walk up and down the hallway. Here began the old man shuffle up and down the hallway. I had thought it would be easy, but nope. What made it more humbling is that one of our Church families was there to get to see me do the Old man shuffle. Was it embarrassing…no, but definitely humbling.

With this one Church family in mind, I realized that they were the only ones who came to visit me in the hospital…not anybody else including the Pastor of our Church who is also my employer. Sure he called, but never stepped foot into the hospital. Did this hurt…yes, but it also made me realize the need for leaning on the Lord.

God can remind us of how much we need him and give us ways to be humble, but if there is one great thing I will take out of this is that great scripture passage that says…

Matthew 22 "(36) Master, which is the great commandment in the law? (37) Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (38) This is the first and great commandment. (39) And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Love others as you would want to be loved…Care for others as you would care for yourself. It is about others not just you

Friday, June 30, 2006 this Blog on? has been a few weeks since I have sat down and taken the time to write a post. Not because my life is overwhelmed at this point but almost to the contrary. I feel a deep sensation of mediocrity right now. It seems as if my life is revolving around several states of mediocre and they are all frustrating.

Right now, I am undergoing tests to determine whether the pain I am having in my gallbladder area is really my gallbladder or not. This process has been long, drawn out, and has left me wondering when we will find something out so this pain will go away? My Church is going through a state of living death. By this, I mean that we are going through so many motions, but there is no state of excitement, joy, zeal, or anything else that would surround the Christian life. My teen group is going through the typical teen group battles: Why God in my life? Why God in my time? Why God at all? My family is suffering from the fact that I have a mother in law that will not motivate herself enough to go out and get a job.

Narrative: (Begin Speaking with Twilight Zone Voice) “Your about to leave a place of excitement. You are going to step out of your happy life and into a state of lowliness. The sign ahead says next stop….The Mediocre Zone”

What can be done when you can’t control the things that are going wrong around you? Grab a hold of the thing you can control and Pray. I know that Prayer is powerful and the power that is possessed by the Christian who possesses the faith as a grain of a mustard seed, but sometimes things just don’t go our way, or our way quick enough. Sometimes you feel…Trapped.

Help!!! I want out of the Mediocre Zone!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Now Serving Number……5000.

I was reading my Wife’s post and she makes a good point. So often, we get so busy that we do not just stop and think about one thing. More often than not, we focus on hundreds of things at once. This weekend was a very busy weekend and seemed to fit this pattern. We planned for a graduation ceremony at the Church, we had a garage sale at the house, and we prepared for vacation, and in all this found time to prepare for Church. So many thoughts rush through my mind as the days pass and this Monday morning I find myself spent.

Nevertheless, I sit at my computer this morning, and I find myself not able to focus on one major point or thought. So many thoughts of concern and care for our Church and its members. So many thoughts toward my family. So many thoughts of what our next step in the ministry is. So many thoughts! Even in prayer, my mind wanders and fails to find structure and cohesive thought, but it was then I remembered some great verses in the Bible.

Romans 8 (22) "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. (23) And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. (24) For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?" (25) But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. (26) Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. (27) And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. (28) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Thank you Lord for knowing the heart of men and in those times when I do not know how to pray and just a sigh or a “groan” comes out…You Know What is In My Heart. What a great God we serve.

Friday, May 19, 2006

This doesn't taste great...but man there is a lot of it.

Today one of my co-workers and I went to a Chinese buffet. This is enjoyable for several reasons: 1. I can eat Chinese food, which is normally not consumed or liked or even thought about much in my household. 2. I get to fellowship with a person I work and go to Church with. 3. I get to eat large quantities of food without the worry of being asked about how much I am going to eat. Well the last point used to be a joy, but not any more.

Most don’t know but I have not been on a diet, and I have started working out and watching what I eat in order to lose some weight and get myself into better shape. For weeks I have been eating food within moderation, but today all bets were off.
Have you ever realized the agonizing feeling that takes place after a day of unchecked eating? This leads to my current state of pain/suffering/bloatedness (I know its not a word, but who cares).

So does this Blog have a point? Why yes it does. As I am sitting here in my current state of agony, I realized something. Nothing that I ate tasted all that great. I mean don’t get me wrong it was good, but not great. What made the trip was enjoyable was not the taste it was the quantities. So the old question is asked, “Is it the taste or the quantity” (If this isn’t an old saying, it is for me today because one of the ways I feel right now is old and I said it thus making it an old saying—Evolutionist Style Reasoning 101)

Now the preacher inside me asks a better question, “Why do we sacrifice the Good “Tasting” Life that God has for us so we can have a taste of the Abundant Sin Filled Life the world has to offer?” I believe it is because we don’t see the agonizing feeling we have after we take as much of the Abundant Sin Filled life as we can possibly eat. We don’t see the consequences. We see the abundance. God says that he will provide for his Children, just enough, but trust me it will be good. We need to realize that God has a life for us filled with Good Tasting things that won’t leave us with a feeling of agony…yep I will have that!

Then again, this may be just a Blog that came from a bad plate of Beef & Broccoli…and Sesame Chicken…and Fried Wantons…and…

Monday, May 08, 2006

What is this thing called...Faith?

This Wednesday I will start a new series on Faith. This is something that is so needed in life, but so often misunderstood. I believe that there are some factors in life that you can see that will help develop your faith. This is why I am starting a series called "Faith Factors."

Clever lead in huh?

I believe that we can see every single day that there is not only a God but a God that wants us to develop our faith in him. I heard an old acronym saying when you pray remember A.C.T.S. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving,and then Supplication. But one thing was missing from this clever little acronym...Faith. We need faith, to please God...Hebrews 11:6.

I want my faith in the Lord to grow, but I also want to help others faith grow as well. It is so exciting to see those that take that "leap of faith" and step out of the boat for the Lords work. But this week, we will start looking at some faith factors.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

In this book I am living....chapter next.

Well for the two of you that read my blog, I being one, the other will remain secret to protect the innocent. Hi honey, I love you. I must say that life is full of conclusions that lead to new beginnings. I have been working the past two years to finish my Bachelor of Arts. No the degree to the left is not my real one, but if I had gone to UT Austin like I had originally intended this is probably as close as I would have got to one as well. Nevertheless, as of Friday April 28th, Chris McCoy became a graduate in Biblical Studies. What does this mean, well a conclusion, but also a beginning.
My life has been spent serving the Lord as a Youth Pastor for the past few years and now I am praying that the Lord will open up the opportunity for so much more. That is the great thing about the God that I serve, when I show him I want more and that I am able to handle it, he gives it! What an awesome God we have.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dad…can you turn down the Thunder?

Last night we went to bed about 11:00 because there were some thunderstorms coming in. This is the joy of living in the Illinois area, and I am using the word joy somewhat sarcastically. Growing up in El Paso, Texas storms were few and far between, but now they are a routine of the spring season. Here came the joy of my night as my two boys would wake up and say to my wife and me, the thunder is to loud.

With faces like theirs it is so hard to get upset, but with sleep deprivation and a their persistent desire to have us quite the thunder, we got a little frustrated. As my wife put my youngest son back to bed he quietly said, “Nobody cares about the fact that I am scared.” When he uttered that phrase I realized in his mind he felt that nobody cared, even though the previous hours of my wife’s concern was not sufficient evidence to him that he was very cared for.

How often we are like this in our walk with Christ. Jesus walks with us through those times of trouble and we look back and say during that one time that the Lord says okay I am going to allow you to bear a little more of this load by yourself. We immediately chime in and say, “Don’t you care about me?” The truth is that of course he does, but would like us to learn to grow a little.

My Son was overwhelmed like we are sometimes and all he wanted was his mothers loving touch. Sometimes we feel like God is far away, but he is always there. He is there to calm the storm as he did in the life of Peter as he walked on the water in the midst of a storm. There is nothing I can do to turn down the thunder son, but I can help you talk to the God that controls the Thunder.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Man...those Hilltops and Valleys

Sometimes in life there are hilltops and valleys. Yesterday I had an opportunity to preach a message from Hebrews 10. God gave this message to me when I lead my youngest son to the Lord just two Saturdays ago and I had an opportunity to see how exciting it is the day somebody trusts in Christ as Saviour. Then it made me think, why do we lose that excitement.

As I was reading through Hebrews 10, I realized that Verse 23 says "Let us hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)" as I read that I realized the reason that newness leaves, the reason why the excitement dies down is because we forget to remember. I started to remember the day I was saved and how excited I was about everything God had for me, but then after years of service I began to slip into a state of familiarity and routine.

When we allow God to fall into a state of familiarity and routine we do a true injustice to him. We forgot the supernatural qualities he has. We lose the reality of who the Saviour really is, and slowly we drift into a state of lull ness. I realized that day and preached to our Church that we need to get to a place of where God is new every day. How wonderful it is to wake up each morning and see the Grace of God in our lives and how exciting it is to find his joy every single day. What a great day of preaching and what a great reception was given by the Church. What a Great Hilltop day! But sometimes you have to live what you preach.

I am currently employed with another company because the Church does not have the finances to pay me full time. In the past few months I have been working in this place it seems like I continue to get demoted. Whenever I ask somebody if my work ethic is bad, I am reminded that I am doing a great job so I can only assume that I have been forgotten. This to me has been a valley to over come, but this morning I found out the little hope I would be restored to my old position has now been fizzled out. Wow, what a blow! It seems as if when great things happen there is always the attacks of the adversary and now I have this valley to overcome.

Why does God allow these hilltops and valleys? It is to remind us of his goodness and the Grace he has given that is sufficient for all our needs. I am reminded that even though the employers I have is not concerned with the spirit of their employee, my God is still concerned. I am reminded that even though this valley God’s Grace is sufficient for all my need, and how great he is. Sometimes God takes you by the hand and leads you back to the mountaintop; sometimes God walks beside you to encourage you as you go through your valleys.

What is the point to this? My friend Hilltops and Valleys will come in our life, but God is always there to help us through both. We can have Hilltop days, as I did having the opportunity to deliver God’s message to a receptive people, or we can have Valley days where you find out that your company seemingly has ceased to care about you and your growth. Through it all we need to be reminded God is there and his Grace is sufficient for all our needs

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I want More!!!

This past week was one of great challenge and great rejoicing. I had the opportunity to attend the annual Pastor's School at First Baptist Church in Hammond IN.

This would be the second time I had an oportunity to attend and it would be one of the most awesome experiences in my life. This years theme was focused on Marriage and the Family.

First Baptist Church is Pastored by the man to my Left. He is Dr. Jack Schaap. This man has not only taken a ministry further than where it was before, but in my opinion has a heart for people that was allowed to be communicated through his preaching and through the speakers he choose for his main sessions. Dr. Jack Hyles, his father in law, choose him to assume the Pastorate when he retired. Instead of it happening the way Dr. Hyles originally planned, he was elected to Pastor First Baptist Church after his father in law passed away. Since then he has built a new building, seen more souls saved, and allowed God to continue to grow the ministry as He sees fit. I am truly happy this ministry continued on and great conferences like Pastor's School still continues. Pastor's School this year was for me a great challenge and full of wonderful excitement.

One of this years Key speakers was Dr. Tom Williams. What great preaching we heard from this man, but what you may not realize is what a great man of prayer he is. This man prays on average of eight to ten hours a day!

How low I felt when he said this. We so often wrestle to pray for fifteen or thirty minutes and here we have man who dedicates his life to be a life of prayer. It was so exciting to have my heart challenged and determine that I want to do more for God than I ever have before One of the greatest experiences in my life was to hear this man preach and then see and HEAR what decisions were going on.

After Dr. Williams preached he offered an invitation to whomever would be willing to say, "I want to know God better. I want to talk to him more. I want to be more in tune with God." I knelt and while God was dealing with my heart, I stopped praying and listened. Listened to all the tears that were being shed. The weeping from people that have realized that they want to do more for God. How exciting it was to see a room full of Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, etc. on their knees and saying "I Want More Of You God!" I will say, I have never heard such a sound, but I am sure glad I did. I want more of my God. I want to know him!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The McCoys are going to Heaven

This Saturday marked a great day in the McCoy family. It started like any other Saturday. We went out on visitation and had decided afterward we would head over to the mall to see a mini petting zoo they had there. While we were talking my oldest son, Dylan, said how glad it was to know he was going to Heaven. I am always happy to hear my children speaking about heavenly things, but my youngest son didn't know he was going. He thought he was going because we were. How often I hear this from people that are trusting in religion instead of trusting in the Saviour. I asked my wife and oldest son to step into the mall while I talked to my youngest boy. I sat him next to me and opened my Soul-Winners New Testament and showed him that he was a sinner and that he deserved to go to Hell. When I said this he looked at me with tears running down his face and said I don’t want to go daddy. I had the glorious opportunity to show my son my personal Saviour and how Jesus could save him from Hell. It was so wonderful to hear him praying and asking Jesus to save him. What is just as wonderful to me is that he knows he is going to heaven. Everyday since Saturday he reminds me of songs that he would sing that he now understands. The most precious words I have ever heard my son say was, "Daddy, I am saved, I am sure, and I am ready to meet Jesus." Praise God...the McCoy's are going to heaven!!!

So here I am....

I recently signed up for a space on which came with a Blog. Then I came to this conclusion. That blog space stinks. I figured, since I read many on this anyway, I will just let that one fizzle to nothing, and begin one here. I realize that there will probably be nobody that reads this but me, so with that in mind...Hi me how you doing? Good, glad to be here.