Well for the two of you that read my blog, I being one, the other will remain secret to protect the innocent. Hi honey, I love you. I must say that life is full of conclusions that lead to new beginnings. I have been working the past two years to finish my Bachelor of Arts. No the degree to the left is not my real one, but if I had gone to UT Austin like I had originally intended this is probably as close as I would have got to one as well. Nevertheless, as of Friday April 28th, Chris McCoy became a graduate in Biblical Studies. What does this mean, well a conclusion, but also a beginning.
My life has been spent serving the Lord as a Youth Pastor for the past few years and now I am praying that the Lord will open up the opportunity for so much more. That is the great thing about the God that I serve, when I show him I want more and that I am able to handle it, he gives it! What an awesome God we have.
I am so PROUD of you baby!! CONGRATULATIONS!! You have worked so hard, and you deserve everything that the Lord has planned for you. Way to go babe!! Love You.
I'm also proud of you, though I'll probably cut the superlatives/titles of affection short after that.
"Baby"'s not rolling off my virtual tongue quite right here.
...and now I've officially creeped myself out.
Anywho, congratulations are certainly in order. I would agree that you've worked hard, because I saw you do it on SMI time.
As did I. Though, not even a fakeous diplomous to show for it.
My guess is, it's probably just about time for the next thing for you and yours. So savor these last moments of relative anonymity and the buck not stopping here, my friend. All that's gonna change.
It's all good.
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