This Saturday marked a great day in the McCoy family. It started like any other Saturday. We went out on visitation and had decided afterward we would head over to the mall to see a mini petting zoo they had there. While we were talking my oldest son, Dylan, said how glad it was to know he was going to Heaven. I am always happy to hear my children speaking about heavenly things, but my youngest son didn't know he was going. He thought he was going because we were. How often I hear this from people that are trusting in religion instead of trusting in the Saviour. I asked my wife and oldest son to step into the mall while I talked to my youngest boy. I sat him next to me and opened my Soul-Winners New Testament and showed him that he was a sinner and that he deserved to go to Hell. When I said this he looked at me with tears running down his face and said I don’t want to go daddy. I had the glorious opportunity to show my son my personal Saviour and how Jesus could save him from Hell. It was so wonderful to hear him praying and asking Jesus to save him. What is just as wonderful to me is that he knows he is going to heaven. Everyday since Saturday he reminds me of songs that he would sing that he now understands. The most precious words I have ever heard my son say was, "Daddy, I am saved, I am sure, and I am ready to meet Jesus." Praise God...the McCoy's are going to heaven!!!
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