Well it has been a while and quite a bit has gone on and yet at the same time we stand at an impasse. In our search for a Pastorate it has taken us down several roads that we had wished we would have not had to travel but God, in His infinite wisdom, has placed us here for a purpose. What I have discovered is that through these journeys the roads can be frustrating, taxing, and sometimes leave you in a place where you need not to be: wondering what God is doing.
My wife and I have had the opportunity to see God’s wonderful provision for our family in many different ways. And those times have always shown us the greatness of the Almighty Father. But at this point in our life we are on the preface of something that we do not completely understand and for sure would have not planned it this way, but that is where this thought (and post) take me this afternoon. God doesn’t always work in the ways that “I” think are the best it is always what He knows is the best!

I was recently preaching in San Antonio and said something there that made a lot of sense as I said it but now I have to “Practice What I Preach” in a way. I told the congregation that God planned the entire world and never once asked my opinion on how things should work and in what ways He should make them. With that in mind I realize that the Lord did a fantastic job without me and allows me to enjoy His wonderful creation every day (Even when it is stupid cold outside.) But now we are in a point of our walk where we do not see the end of the path and the illumination seems not to be as bright as it once was. So what are we to do?
Trust in the Lord! I realize that my God has a pretty good idea about what He is doing and has placed me on this path because of His will and now it is my job to Trust Him! But what is wonderful is that He has built a base with me to show me and my family that He is trustworthy! He has provided so wonderfully in the past, who am I to thing that He won’t provide the same way in the future. I am just going to trust Him and pray that my faith will not waiver but stay strong in Him!

I don’t know several aspects of this journey yet: Where God will lead me to Pastor, What will the people be like at the Church where our Pastor, How quickly will our Home sell, What part of the Country will God call me to, What am I having for dinner tonight is still up in the air at this point…but what I do know is this: God knows exactly how He is going to lead, how He is going to provide, and since my God is Good and since Romans 8:28 is still in the Bible I know that I will keep on loving my God and it WILL work out for Good. That’s my God and that is just what he does…Amen and Amen!
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