Well apparently my blog and I have not had the chance to talk to each other this year so I figured I might as well take the time and see how it is doing.
In all actuality, I am finishing a session in the EPA conference and one of the tools she is speaking of is Blogs and communicating to others with these resources.
I have a friend in Indianapolis (shout out: What up
RedHeadRev) that is a lot more dedicated to blogging than I am and I always enjoy reading his blog and now I feel challenged to share thoughts that have gone through my mind.
Here we go…
Last night I am sitting in the conference getting ready to eat some chicken like substance (Haven’t quite figured out where the chef was going with this one) and I started to say to myself, “I hope this year the speaker is better than last year.” Me and I agreed, but myself was still pondering the chicken substance in front of me. At the table we are entertaining conversation with various individuals who have jobs that deal in some way or another with printing. Great conversation, but then the question should be asked how long it took before the conversation turned to Politics. I am pleased to announce, five minutes tops!
After our meaningful conversation on how bad our Governors (if you know me you could hear the sarcasm in my voice at this point.) we began to listen to Paul Baloche lead some worship. He begins to sing a song that I am familiar with but have never really listen to the words. Now the words aren’t just being sung, but are in front of me on the big screen. This guy is wonderful! You can see the Lord has given him the ability to write and praise God through song. But then he sings another called “Above All” which really gets me going now. Again it is a song I am familiar with but have never truly listened to the words but now I not only hear them, but see them. Here are some of the words that gave an impact.
Above all powers
Above all things
Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure what You're worth
Laid behind the stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all
I could have stopped there, but then we got to hear an evangelist named Luis Palau speak who did a fantastic job of challenging us to be praying for the City God has called you to (Jeremiah 29: 7) and work with them. But my focus today is on the song and the lyrics above and how it brought to mind several thoughts. When I think of all the things that my Lord has done for me, I stand in Awe, but I realize that above all, it was for my sake he went to the cross. I realize that above all, it was for me and you that he came. Out of all the things this world had to offer: kingdoms, thrones, wealth, treasures, he choose me above all. This puts me at a point of where I completely stand in awe of my great God, because he is so wonderful to me. Now flip the coin.
What about me? What about you? This world has so many things to offer: Title, Position, Wealth, Prosperity, Freedoms, Social Groups, etc. But where does our God fit in. In my life I have many things to praise God for: a wonderful wife, fantastic kids, great friends, a tremendous youth group, a spectacular Church, and so many more outstanding things. When I list these things, above all the greatest thing is my Lord, My God, My King. He is above all in the placement of my wonderful blessings, but true as well is that he is above all in the rule of things in my life. What about you? May I challenge you as the song writer wrote, as Paul says in Philippians 3:7-10, and as I realize today and hope to in the future. All things have their place, but above all, there is only one…Jesus Christ! Amen and Amen.