Today I began reading the Pentateuch, which we know is the first five books of the Old Testament. Today I began with Genesis. I like reading Genesis. Reading about the creation, the fall, the promised redeemer, the flood, the…oh read it you will love it to! Today, however, I read a line in Genesis 1: 31 that reminded me of how Great our God is. It reads, “And God say every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good…”
When I stop to think of this world that my God created I sometimes forget of the beauty it possesses. The stars, the moon, the planets, the sun, the green on the earth, the blue in the ocean, the white of the snow, the…you get the point. Our God didn’t say it was good, He said it was “Very” good!
When I stop to think that our God says our World is very Good and realize that we, humans, are a greater creation what are we? Very very Good? I don’t know, but I do know this our God loves us so much that he created us such an awesome place to live in, and if this worlds beauty is “Very” good, can you imagine what heaven will be like? I am encouraged to know that our God is such a great creator.
God is “Very” Good…No, He is Awesome!
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