Yesterday we were sitting around and wondering what we wanted to do. In the metropolis of Galesburg IL [major sarcasm added] there are the movies, Wal-mart, or watch the grass grow. Since we needed to cut the grass this week anyway, and we didn’t need anything from Wal-mart, we decided on the movies. We decided to go see Spiderman 3.
I had read the review provided by the Christian Spotlight and figured it might be okay, however I was a little leery of the venom character. Not because of the part he would play, but because it did look a little evil and I didn’t want my boys to wake up in the middle of the night screaming that Venom is coming to get them. On to the review!
In the world of movie sequels it is normally a curse to do another movie after you have a successful first. Outside of Star Wars, which was really one movie over several versions, and
maybe the Godfather trilogy, there is not one I can think of that was just a smashing success. But could the Spiderman people do it? Yes they can.
The introduction of Sandman, Venom, and the new Goblin where wonderfully done. The relationship between Peter and Harry takes a twist that I was not expecting. The depth of the evil that undertakes Peter Parker is something that was also unexpected. All in all I would give this one four out of five stars. There are some predictable parts, however the CGI and the plot is handled well enough to make these predictable moments small speed bumps.
I really like the end of the movie when Peter forgives the Sandman for his role in his Uncles death, but the death of Harry was sad and unwanted. Not that it wasn’t well done in the movie; I just didn’t want him to die right after he resolves his friendship with his “Best Friend”, as Peter states it. The only downside that I can state has nothing to do with the movie it is all to do with the previews.
You never know what the previews will hold, and these really stunk.
They showed the preview to the new Fantastic Four movie, which was great, the preview to the new Harry Potter, which looks as evil and satanic as ever, and then something that looked almost like borderline soft core porn. Most of my preview time was spent covering up my kids eyes. I wish that they would put better previews with the movie…oh yeah movie review. Sorry.
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