Today one of my co-workers and I went to a Chinese buffet. This is enjoyable for several reasons: 1. I can eat Chinese food, which is normally not consumed or liked or even thought about much in my household. 2. I get to fellowship with a person I work and go to Church with. 3. I get to eat large quantities of food without the worry of being asked about how much I am going to eat. Well the last point used to be a joy, but not any more.

Most don’t know but I have not been on a diet, and I have started working out and watching what I eat in order to lose some weight and get myself into better shape. For weeks I have been eating food within moderation, but today all bets were off.
Have you ever realized the agonizing feeling that takes place after a day of unchecked eating? This leads to my current state of pain/suffering/bloatedness (I know its not a word, but who cares).
So does this Blog have a point? Why yes it does. As I am sitting here in my current state of agony, I realized something. Nothing that I ate tasted all that great. I mean don’t get me wrong it was good, but not great. What made the trip was enjoyable was not the taste it was the quantities. So the old question is asked, “Is it the taste or the quantity” (If this isn’t an old saying, it is for me today because one of the ways I feel right now is old and I said it thus making it an old saying—Evolutionist Style Reasoning 101)
Now the preacher inside me asks a better question, “Why do we sacrifice the Good “Tasting” Life that God has for us so we can have a taste of the Abundant Sin Filled Life the world has to offer?” I believe it is because we don’t see the agonizing feeling we have after we take as much of the Abundant Sin Filled life as we can possibly eat. We don’t see the consequences. We see the abundance. God says that he will provide for his Children, just enough, but trust me it will be good. We need to realize that God has a life for us filled with Good Tasting things that won’t leave us with a feeling of agony…yep I will have that!
Then again, this may be just a Blog that came from a bad plate of Beef & Broccoli…and Sesame Chicken…and Fried Wantons…and…