It has been a while since I have posted a blog, but for good reason. We have been busy with the Church lately and…blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know the routine. But there really has been a lot going on, which leads to the reason for this post. We are putting together an event at our Church for Halloween night as an outreach for our community. No it is not glorifying the holiday, but it is trying to make use of a night where people are out anyway and reintroduce them to our Church. With that in mind we are putting together candy bags and we wanted to put a tract of sorts inside.
I heard a friend who works at a salon in Wal-mart that said her district manager told her that they couldn’t listen to Christian music at their work because it was an offense. She said, “Keep Jesus in your heart, don’t bring him to work.” How ridiculous of a statement, but maybe Microsoft Word is telling us a reality of how our society sees Jesus. Where as one time our society saw him for who he was, A Saviour and King, now many see him as a threat. Oh to know that he is not a threat, but as I wrote a great gift. Praise the Lord for our Great Saviour and King…boo on Microsoft Word's Grammar Checker.