This past week we attended the 44th Annual Pastors School hosted by First Baptist Church of Hammond IN. The years I have attended the conference I have not only left blessed, but it also challenges me about what God wants to do in my life. This year the conference topic was “With Christ in the School of Prayer” and I can truly say that the speakers chosen to speak not only brought great messages but God spoke to my heart about prayer in a great way. We can all look at our prayer life and say that we do not spend enough time talking to the God of our Salvation, but this year I realized not only do I need to spend more time with him, but moreover spend "Real" time with him. I want to have the power of God in my life and know that the only way to do that is to get on board with the Lord and go where he is going.
Over the past few weeks I have been reading a book called “Following Christ” which has been teaching me the principal of following after God. The Bible teaches “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23. My desire is to be with God but notice he says “Follow Me.” God is teaching that if we want to be with him the we need to Follow. He is leading the way for us and our job is to simply follow! Easier said then done, but the principle is still true. I heard a great illustration on Monday night that spoke of the reward and I want to share it with you.
On Monday night, Pastor Schaap preached on prayer and getting close to God and he used the following illustration.
He spoke of his Grandfather who used to go to the dump to drop off his trash. Of course, I remember what the dump was like. I can remember the smell and the nastiness of a dump, but in this illustration, Bro. Schaap said he did not go one time and his Grandfather took his friend instead. Normally this would not be a big deal except his friend returned with some ice cream. When Bro. Schaap asked his Grandpa why he didn’t tell him that he was going to get ice cream afterward, his Grandpa said he didn’t realize he would but decided to, in the end. Here is the principal; Bro. Schaap decided that wherever his Grandpa went from that point he would go with him, because the reward (Ice Cream, Hot Dogs, etc.) was worth it.
It was a good illustration, but let me add something to it that I believe was added but I may have missed. God is faithful to reward us and bless us, three is no doubt there, but we do not follow him simply because he does. My heart was challenged this week to want to be with him. Not because of the blessings, even though his word teaches he will, but because my God is so awesome. I want to be with Him. What is even greater in my mind is that God wants me to follow him down this journey of life. Side by side with the Saviour every day, that is where I want to be. So as Ron Hamilton sang during the conference, I will bow the knee before my God and say..."Hear I am Lord, where we going today?"