You may ask why he reminds me of my youngest son. Well I can’t tell you all the reasons, but if you have not seen Over the Hedge (SEE IT!!!) then you would not understand, but I highly recommend this movie not only to find out how Hammy portrays aspects of my son, but also it is just very funny. My son has what we like to call…Hyperactivity. Meaning that he can normally go and go and go and go and go and go…until he finally passes out or is told to pass out. This character is not only funny with his humor, but also because he is so hyper.
As my wife and I watched this movie with our two boys I found myself thinking, the Lord puts things in life to remind us of people. I look at the picture of Hammy this morning and start to reminisce about all the wonderful things my son does. Yes he is hyper, yes he bounces off walls (that isn’t a figure of speech…he really does), but he is a wonderful Child and I couldn’t ask for more. I love my boys, they are great and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. It doesn’t take much for me to think about my family, but every once in a while a hyperactive squirrel can help.

I leave you with this funny dialogue from “Over the Hedge”
RJ: Ok, what we're goin' for is a vicious, man-eating, rabid squirrel. Can you handle that?
Hammy the Squirrel: Umm, excuse me!
[Raises hand]
RJ: Yes, Hammy?
Hammy the Squirrel: Rabbits aren't vicious. They're all cute and cuddly, so...
RJ: *Rabid*, not rabbit.
Hammy the Squirrel: Oh! Huh?
Hammy the Squirrel: I am a crazy, rabid squirrel! I want my cookies!